Carroll Piano Studio
5805 Bayleaf Lane~Greensboro, North Carolina~27455
2024-2025 Registration Information
Welcome back to piano! I am looking forward to another exciting, musical year for our students. Please read the following tuition information/policy changes carefully for the new school year.
Lesson tuition will be billed based on a monthly (11 payments due) flat fee per student:
30 minutes $150
45 minutes $190
60 minutes $225
Or, you may choose to pay for the semester at a 5% discount per student:
FALL (Aug-Dec) SPRING (Jan-Jun)
30 minutes $712.50 30 minutes $855.00
45 minutes $902.50 45 minutes $1083.00
60 minutes $1068.75 60 minutes $1282.50
Lesson tuition includes 38 lessons August-June based on the calendar below. Registration and recital fees are also included for both Fall and Spring shows. Tuition also includes practice records, supplementary music (for recitals/auditions), copies, scale sheets, manuscript paper, and other theory activities. Lesson, theory/notespeller books will be billed separately as needed per individual student. Monthly tuition may not be adjusted or altered for any reason and must be paid in full by the first day of each month (i.e. September tuition is due before September 1). A late fee of $20 will be added onto monthly payments made after the 5th day of the month. Fall semester payments must be paid by June 30 to receive the 5% discount. Lessons will be scheduled based on a first come/first served basis.
Rescheduled/make-up lessons are available on a very limited basis with at least a 24-hour notice. Any make-up times will be offered within 7 days of the cancellation or the lesson is forfeited. Please remember, the studio operates on a full schedule year round and can only offer an alternate lesson time if another student cancels. The studio is not responsible for acts of nature and will not make-up missed lessons due to weather. In the event of excessive inclement weather (more than one lesson missed in the same month) or instructor cancellation, make-up days have been reserved on the calendar in June.
2024-2025 Studio Calendar
August 20 Lessons Resume
September 2 Labor Day Holiday*
October 22-25 Fall Break*
November 26-29 Thanksgiving Break*
December 23-January 3 Holiday Break
January 7 Lessons Resume
January 20 MLK Holiday*
April 14-18 Spring Break*
April 21 Lessons Resume
May 26 Memorial Day Holiday*
June 13 Last Day of Lessons
June 16-18 Optional make-up days
*No lessons on breaks or holidays
Please complete the following form and sign. Registration forms are due with August (monthly) or Fall (semester) tuition by June 30 to reserve your Fall lesson time. Unreserved time slots will be filled immediately from the current wait list.
Student name(s)_____________________________________________________________________________
Date(s) of Birth_____________________Grade(s)_________School_______________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Parent(s) ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone(s) (________)_________________________ (_______)___________________________________
Email _______________________________________@_______________________________________
For students already enrolled, please indicate if you need a different time slot (lessons only offered Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.) for the new year (changing schools, longer lesson, etc.):__________________________________________________________________________
Please include any other information that may help me teach your student:
Payment method (choose one): ( ) month ( ) semester
Carroll Piano Studio has a studio website and a Facebook page! Choose one of the following:
( ) Pictures/videos of my student(s) may be posted online (studio website, social media, other advertisement materials.)
( ) Pictures/videos of my student(s) may not be posted online (studio website, social media, other advertisement materials.)
Please print and sign your name indicating you have read and understand the studio policies including payment structure, attendance policies, and photo/video release form for the 2024-2025 school year.
Print name ___________________________________________________________________________________